What is Play Together?  

Play Together aims to increase inclusion within the playgroup, and support families with disability to participate in community playgroups.

Play Together sits across all programs within Playgroup NSW and serves as part of an Information Linkages and Capacity Building Program, governed by Playgroup Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia. 


What do we do?

  • We have appointed an Inclusion Coordinator to support families and practitioners to develop skills, knowledge and further understanding around Inclusion. 

  • We organise trainings, workshops, webinars on Diversity and Inclusion practices to build the capacity of families, service providers, and industry experts.  

  • We support families with a disability who would like to participate or transition in community playgroups to overcome any barriers to participation.   

  • We provide toolkit to community playgroups to create an inclusive environment and welcome families with disability by providing useful resources and information.  

  • We are big on Collaboration. If you have ideas or vision that will contribute towards early intervention, then please contact us.  

Inclusive approach

An inclusive approach is one that values all individuals, ensuring everyone feels a sense of belonging and has equal access to all experiences.

At playgroup we recognise that all children and families benefit from play, regardless of the background, culture or ability of each individual.  

 Being “included” at playgroup is more than just being physically present: it is making sure all children and their carers are involved in the playing and the relationships.

Inclusive early childhood experiences benefit all children and families – those with additional needs and those without. At PlayTogether we recognise the strengths and skills of every individual, learning from each other and building relationships to develop a supportive community. 

“Playing is how young children learn.

Playing with each other and caring adults is the best, fastest and most lasting way to grow kind, smart and loving human beings.

Nothing provides this as well as playgroups.” 

-Steve Biddulph

Family Psychologist, Father of the Year and author of “Raising Boys”

Latest Article

In the current ever evolving and changing world we live in, it’s crucial that Playgroups and play spaces remain accessible and inclusive.

This article shares practical and hands-on tips on how to make your playgroup cater to diverse communities, including children with a Disability or from a First Nations, LGBTQIA+ and CALD background.


  • PlayTogether Playbook

    PlayTogether Playbook describes inclusive play opportunities for all children and families, especially those with additional needs, disability, or from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

    It explores a selection of child-led play ideas, with modifications to ensure everyone can play together and participate. 

  • Articles

    Articles on Inclusion at Playgroup on range of topics such as: 

    Creating a quiet corner 

    Social Stories 

    Transition Strategies,

    Using and Creating Visuals 

  • Information Booklet for Families

    A creative and easy-to-use booklet for children and families with a disability and special needs, looking to accommodate for sensory processing, language delays, movement, vision, hearing and behavioural concerns.

    The Information booklet showcases the importance of inclusion in community playgroups and the flow on benefits this will have for children and parents.

Helpful links:

Want to learn more?

Contact us on abethuel@playgroupnsw.org.au